Dandelions have been around for centuries. Their healing abilities have been known and recorded as far back as the 11th century. While some consider them a weed and pick, pluck and spray chemicals to keep them at bay, plant lovers consider them a superfood.
Dandelions are perennials that grow wild in most parts of the world. They blossom in early

spring to late autumn depending on where you live. They’re easy to identify with their bright, vibrant yellow petals. These hearty flowers can be found in fields, yards, driveways, and
anywhere there’s a small patch of grass.
The entire plant from root to blossom is usable: root, leaves, buds and flowers. The leaves can be eaten raw. Their chicory-like taste makes them a great addition to salads, and they’re a good source of potassium. Or dry the leaves and add to teas, tinctures for their ability to act as a diuretic. The greens contain a host of vitamins and minerals: A, C, E, K, B6, beta carotene, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, iron, and potassium.
The root can be used fresh or dried. It’s good for the liver and ridding the body of inflammation, infection, eczema, and arthritic conditions. The dried root is also used as a coffee substitute.
Those beautiful and plentiful yellow petals contain high levels of antioxidants called

polyphenols. They treat muscle tension and arthritis when applied topically. Other uses
include helping with depression, headache, and menstrual cramps. Or make a poultice with the flower to treat wounds. The flowers are edible, too. Make dandelion wine, infused vinegar, oils, jelly, or tea. Or add them to a sweet treats like cookies or cakes.

At Earthganics, we infuse the flowers in oil to soak up every healing property and vitamin the petals produce. The result is a salve that brings relief to surface-level pain and so much more. Owner and founder, Erin, uses the Dandelion Salve to eliminate her connective tissue pain.
This item is seasonal, and we have a limited supply. Grab yours today before they’re gone.